- Advertising and the Consumer Movement
- American Revolution--NJ's Role
- Child Labor in New Jersey
- Civil Rights at Rutgers
- Clifford Case--Questioning Executive Power
- Cold War Refugees and Rutgers
- Dr. Waksman/Antibiotics
- Industrial Production During World War II
- Jersey Homesteads
- New Jersey the Garden State
- NJ and the Civil War: Daily Life of a Soldier
- NJ and the Civil War: Ellis Hamilton's Letters
- NJ and the Civil War: Opposing Viewpoints
- Paterson Strike of 1913
- Paul Robeson and 20th Century U. S. History
- Red Scare at Rutgers
- Social Protest in the 1960s and 1970s
- Suburban NJ: Dream or Nightmare?
- Thomas Edison and the Process of Invention
- Title IX and Women's Athletics--The Struggle for Equality
- Water Supply in Newark
- Women's Suffrage
- World War II and New Jersey