For over two hundred years, the alma mater and "resolving to become a man" worked just fine at Rutgers. However, in 1968 Princeton University, just a few miles south of New Brunswick, elected to allow females through her iron gates. The faculty at Rutgers College saw this as a call for change. In order to respond thoroughly to the questions below, carefully read each of the following documents:

Excerpt from the Faculty of Arts and Science, December 18, 1968. Rutgers University Special Collections and University Archives.

Fact Sheet on Coeducation. Rutgers University Special Collections and University Archives.

Petition of Rutgers College Sub Committee on Coeducation to the Board of Governors, May 1, 1971. University Special Collections and University Archives.
Questions for Discussion
- Summarize the arguments in favor of coeducation at Rutgers College.
- Select the three points or arguments that you believe are the most powerful in fighting for the admittance of women to Rutgers College. Explain why you chose these three and not others.
- Compare the three documents. Which one makes the strongest argument? Be specific in defending your choice.