You have just entered an exciting web site that traces the events leading up to the Battle of Monmouth and the court-martial of General Charles Lee. See if you can answer the activity questions as you trace the events that lead up to Lee's court-martial. The Battle of Monmouth is made up of four parts: Prelude to Battle, Main Battle, Lee's Letters, and Court-Martial.
Prelude to Battle: This part traces the escape taken by General Clinton from Philadelphia through New Jersey to Sandy Hook. You will be asked to draw a map, based on the facts presented, of the best escape route available to General Clinton. A current map of New Jersey may be helpful in doing this activity.
Main Battle: This section describes the actual events that led up to the battle and the main characters that were involved. Activities will involve asking you to make up alternative strategies that will alter the actual events that took place. One example might be, placing General Washington on the battlefield before General Lee arrives. See if your strategies could have made a difference in the final outcome. In completing this activity you may draw maps, correspond with letters or change the actual event that took place.
Lee's Letters: This part contains the letters written by Lee to Washington and the subsequent reaction taken by Washington that led to Lee's court-martial. The activities in this section will ask you to analyze the letters and justify Lee's and Washington's actions.You may do this by analyzing each of the documents or writing a general essay detailing specific changes.
Court-Martial: The last section follows the proceedings of the Court-Martial. After analyzing the documents presented you will be asked to judge Lee's Actions.