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Date Created1981-12-20
DescriptionDr. Eric Eweson, December 20, 1981 showing the end product of his invention the Eweson Digester composter which has been utilized by a number of businesses in the agricultural industry. Dr. Eweson...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1943
DescriptionPrivate First Class Kazuto Taniguchi in the first picture he sent home after being inducted in 1943. He served his basic training in Camp Shelby, Mississippi.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1926
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1926
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1950
DescriptionTop row: Taro Mukai (3rd from left), Ray Ono (4th from left), June Yoshioka (12th from left), Fusa Wadamoto (14th from left) Bottom row: Dr. Thornthwaite (5th from left)
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1912
DescriptionEmma Gallo Azzie on her wedding day dressed with a decorative hat and with a handbag at her side. The American Labor Museum online collection includes historical documents and photos. The objects...
Date Created1890-1945
DescriptionPortrait of Maria Gallo, grandmother. The American Labor Museum online collection includes historical documents and photos. The objects document the domestic lifestyles, working experience in textile...
Date Created1890-1930
DescriptionYoung Attilio Azzie with his ball in his hand on a sunny day. The American Labor Museum online collection includes historical documents and photos. The objects document the domestic lifestyles,...
Date Created1925-1935
DescriptionYoung Attilio takes his bike out for a ride. The American Labor Museum online collection includes historical documents and photos. The objects document the domestic lifestyles, working experience in...
Date Created1966
DescriptionMildred Schneider, Sol Stetin's secretary, and Sol Stetin at the 13th Biennial Convention in Montreal, Canada in June 1966. The American Labor Museum online collection includes historical documents...