DescriptionPublic notice that freeholders of Bergen County intend to submit application to Superior Court of Common Pleas for permission to hire six surveyors to lay out five new roads in New Barbadoes Township....
DescriptionA copy of the certificate of incorporation of Temple Sholom. This copy of the original 1913 certificate was made in 1973 by the county court in Elizabeth.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930), Contemporary America (1968-present)
DescriptionA series of legal documents relating to court cases concerning the legality of Right to Know legislation in the State of New Jersey dating from 1985.
DescriptionAn annotated copy of Senate Bill No. 349: an Act concerning the regulation of hazardous substances, amending P.L.1983. c383, and amending and supplementing P.L.1983, c.315.
DescriptionThis folder contains one document, the Assembly Policy and Regulatory Oversight Committee Amendment to Senate No. 36. This Amendment regards participation in a community work experience or alternative...
DescriptionInventory of small farm, holding only one ox and one cow. Lists contents of household, livestock and grains, with monetary values. Also notes one bond as credit. Taken November 8, 1832.
DescriptionInventory of the estate of Garret Newkirk, November 16, 1818, including three slaves as well as tools and products of a farm estate. An example of the possessions of a well-off farm, and the relative...
DescriptionDocument in which Hilletje Jans, widow, asserts that she has leased a tract of land to her son in law Jan Arianse Sip, and agrees to continue the lease until her death, at which point all of her land...
DescriptionDeed for a part of the land of the late Englebert Steehuijs, first schoolteacher in New Jersey, sold by executors to Gerritt Gerrittsen. Handwritten original in Dutch, with typed transcription and...
Time PeriodColonization and Settlement (1585-1763)