DescriptionA short biographical essay of Grant Harris, owner of Cowtown, the oldest weekly rodeo in America, located in New Jersey. This essay was written as a part of the You're U.S. project ( Created by Emile Klein, You’re U.S. is a unique ethnographic project using arts and craftsmanship to display the distinctive character of people across America. Its goal is to create an engaging and accessible public archive of American people and their histories, an archive that provides diverse opinions and honest representations of those documented.
NoteThe New York Foundation for the Arts acts as the project's fiscal sponsor.
NoteDirk Johnson, the biographer, is a nationally prominent author and journalist known for his award-winning work as Bureau Chief for The New York Times and Newsweek magazine. He is the author of Biting the Dust and Meth: America's Home Cooked Menace.
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