DescriptionCommunity Right to Know Annual Report with an introduction, community right to know survey for 1992, and New Jersey Release and Pollution Prevention Report for 1992.
New Jersey business owners and operators who are regulated by the New Jersey Worker and Community Right to Know (W&CRTK) Act and/or the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as Title Ill of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), are required to report inventories of the hazardous substances manufactured, used or stored at their facilities. Also, specific manufacturing facilities are required under these laws to report environmental release and waste transfer data as well as information on pollution prevention activities for more than 300 toxic chemicals.
The data are reported on the Department's Community Right to Know Survey (DE0-094) and Release and Pollution Prevention Report (DE0-114), and on the federal Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form (Form R). This annual report summarizes the data collected by the Department on these forms in March and July of 1993 for calendar year 1992.