DescriptionDetailed listing of marriages and children descending from the 1666 marriage of Joris Jansen (of Hoorn) and Maria Rutgers (of Amersfoort). Introduction and early entries describe communities in Netherlands. Family settled in areas now part of Jersey City: Bergen, Communipaw, Paulus Hook, and became prominent citizens. Listing for early generations include anecdotes of community life, and references to slaves. Details of descendants through early 1900s. Full indexes of names and places. Also includes articles on disputed land claims of family, a description and history of the "house of four chimneys" (the Van Horne homestead), and a Washington Irving story describing colonial history of Communipaw as a holdout of Dutch language and culture resisting English rule (written under pen name Hermanus Vanderdonk). With many plates of portraits of family, and household scenes. Family name known variously as Van Horn, Van Hoorn, Van Horne.