DescriptionThis report summarizes the 1994 chemical inventory and environmental release, off-site transfer, facility throughput and pollution prevention information reported by New Jersey companies pursuant to state and federal Right to Know laws in 1995. The New Jersey Worker and Community Right to Know Act requires employers having certain Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes to report the environmental hazardous substances used, stored, or manufactured at their facilities.
This information is collected annually on the Community Right to Know Survey sent to more than 33,000 employers. The state law and the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA), also known as Title Ill of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), also require about 700 manufacturing facilities meeting specific criteria to submit information concerning their environmental releases and pollution prevention activities. These data are summarized in this report.
In 1994, the Community Right to Know regulations were amended to make the information more timely, more accessible and more meaningful. The most significant program changes were the revision of the environmental hazardous substance list and the establishment of a threshold for chemical inventory reporting. The 1994 annual report reflects the new reporting requirements.
The information presented in this report contributes to the protection of New Jersey's citizens and the environment.