TitleManagers/Supervisors Dinner
NameSeabrook, James (donor), Nagao, Charles (depicted), Taguwa, Bill (depicted), Kamikawa, Kaoru (depicted), Kobayashi, Kaz (depicted), Honda, Masaru (depicted), Blakeslee, Paul (depicted), Barker, Fred (depicted), Phillis, Jack (depicted), Emmons, John (depicted), Schmidt, (depicted), Keefe, Jack (depicted), Ferrillo, Frank (depicted), Maxey, Lynn (depicted), Morin, Ed (depicted), Hemingway, Frank (depicted), Hamasaki, Sumiko (depicted), Omura, Bernie (depicted), Matsui, Alice (depicted), Murakami, Viola (depicted), Vann, Hester (depicted), Davis, Carolyn (depicted), Carter, Delores (depicted), Smith, Louise (depicted), Forren, Virgina (depicted), Tanimae, Linda (depicted), Rivald, Asta (depicted), Seabrook, Belford (depicted), Nakamura, Chester (depicted), Kunishima, Dick (depicted), Tootsov, Martin (depicted), Melchiorre, John (depicted), Fuyuume, John (depicted), Nishimura, Richard (depicted), Loveland, Fritts (depicted), Seabrook, C. F. (depicted), Scheffer, Bill (depicted), Lanning, Gene (depicted), Miyahara, Joe (depicted), Taniguchi, Jim (depicted), Murkami, Tom (depicted), Yokoyama, Taro (depicted), Shiba, Kats (depicted), Shimomura, Morio (depicted), Yamamoto, Nancy (depicted), Yoshida, Margaret (depicted), Furushima, Chickie (depicted), Sakamoto, Rose (depicted), Sakomoto, George (depicted), Tsuji, Akinobu (depicted), Morishita, Tom (depicted), Holm, Carl (depicted), Hayes, Lucille (depicted), Carter, Gladys (depicted), Aoki, Vera (depicted), Beal, Edna (depicted), Conover, Olin (depicted), Seabrook, Jack (depicted), Emerson, Harold (depicted)
Date Created1950
DescriptionSeabrook Farms Managers and Supervisors dinner
Row 1: Charles Nagao, Bill Taguwa, Kaoru Kamikawa, ?, Kaz Kobayashi, ?, Masaru Honda, ?, Paul Blakeslee, Fred Barker.
Row 2: Jack Phillis, John Emmons, Mr. Schmidt, Jack Keefe, Frank Ferrillo, ?, ?, ?, Lynn Maxey, Ed Morin, Frank Hemingway, Sumiko Hamasaki
Row 3: Bernie Omura, Alice Matsui, Viola Murakami, ?, ?, ?, Hester Vann, Carolyn Davis, Delores Carter, Louise Smith, Virgina Forren, ?, ?, ?, Linda Tanimae, Asta Rivald, Belford Seabrook, Chester Nakamura.
Row 4: ?, ?, ?, ?, Dick Kunishima, ?, ?, ?, Martin Tootsov, John Melchiorre, John Fuyuume, Richard Nishimura, Fritts Loveland, C. F. Seabrook, Bill Scheffer.
Row 5: Gene Lanning, Joe Miyahara, Jim Taniguchi, Tom Murkami, Taro Yokoyama, Kats Shiba, Morio Shimomura, Nancy Yamamoto, Margaret Yoshida, Chickie Furushima, Rose Sakamoto, George Sakamoto
Row 6: ?, Akinobu Tsuji, Tom Morishita, Carl Holm, Lucille Hayes, ?, Gladys Carter, Vera Aoki, Edna Beal, Olin Conover, Jack Seabrook, Harold Emerson.
Genrecandid portraits
CollectionSeabrook Farms
Organization NameSeabrook Educational and Cultural Center
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