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Date Created1961
Description"This is home to a migrant worker and his family - on Route 33 between Hightstown and Freehold, N. J. - where staff writer Dale Wright found conditions no better now than they were eight years ago...
AuthorGarvey, Mary
Date Created1850
DescriptionMary Garvey, an Irish immigrant, was the servant of Rescarrick Moore Smith, a Hightstown businessman and New Jersey State Treasurer. This letter was dictated to and transcribed by Smith's daughter,...
AuthorWright, Dale
Date Created1961
DescriptionDale Wright, a World-Telegram Staff writer, went undercover as a migrant worker in Hightstown, New Jersey, and in Florida. He recorded his observations, interviewed other workers, and took photos of...
Date Created2002
DescriptionThis interview was conducted as part of the New Jersey Historical Commission Grant-funded Multi-Ethnic Oral History Project. The interviewee is Mr. Bui Chuong, a Vietnamese American, who came to the...