DescriptionTelegram from Theodore Roosevelt in Oyster Bay, NY to Frances Folsom Cleveland in Princeton, NJ after the death of Grover Cleveland in 1908. The telegram is typed and contains two parts.
NoteCourtesy of the State of New Jersey Division of Environmental Protection, the Grover Cleveland Birthplace Historic Site, Caldwell, New Jersey.
Note26 EA H 100 Paid Govt 1:20 P - Executive Office, Oyster Bay, N.Y. 24 - Mrs Grover Cleveland, Princeton, N.J. - Your telegram shocked me greatly. Mrs. Roosevelt joins in very deep and sincere sympathy. I have of course abandoned my intention of starting to-day for the New London boat races so that if the funeral is either Thursday or Friday I can attend. I can also attend if it is Sunday, but if it is Saturday a number of men are coming here from various parts of the country on a business engagement which I cannot well break will you direct some one to wire me when the funeral is to be and where. - Theodore Roosevelt.