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Date Created1953
DescriptionHelen Babbitt, staff member, showing snake to two young boy scouts
Date Created1950
DescriptionScouts bicycle to the garden area with Hoover Villege (Seabrook Farms) in the background.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionBoy Scouts Court of Honor - recieving their awards. (Seabrook Farms).
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1949
DescriptionBoy scout holding flag with Seabrook insignia. From page 32 in album by Valdmar Heitur entitled, "Estonians from Seabrook: first years starting from 1949".
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionScouts from Seabrook Farms getting into the act, doing public service to gain merit badges. Pictured here are Scott Nagao and Kay Ichinaga.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1952
Description"Mayor" Fuji Sasaki receiving an award during a Boy Scouts event at Seabrook Farms. Picture taken on August 18, 1952.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionBoy Scouts from Seabrook Farms tending to breakfast on a cool morning at Parvin State Park.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionHaving fun at the Cub Scout meeting at Seabrook Farms.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionBoy Scout Troop 47, sponsored by Seabrook JACL and Seabrook Farms, on a camping outing.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionPresentation of troop flag to Boy Scout troop 47 in 1947 at the Seabrook Farms Community House. Shown here are John M. Seabrook, Father Gooley, and John B. Kelly.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)