DescriptionCaption from Moss and Schnitzspahn (1997): "Angelica Cella's Brighton Avenue fruit store before it was remodeled and enlarged. Cella's, the neighboring bicycle store and Donnelly's Dairy were just a few of the many New York businesses with branches located at the shore. Summer visitors were loyal to their city merchants.", (p. 106).
NotePach # [no number]
NoteTitle provided by cataloger.
NoteTitle on negative sleeve: Cella West End, location unknown, 1901
NoteImages have been scanned as they appear on the original glass plate, with no alterations.
NoteMoss, George H. Jr. and Schnitzspahn, Karen L. Those Innocent Years, 1898-1914: Images of the Jersey Shore from the Pach Photographic Collection (Seabright, NJ: Ploughshare Press, 1997), p. 106.