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Date Created1845-07-01
DescriptionBrief story of a slave responsible to his master and his master's son,Jonathan. His master ordered him to attend mass and report back the sermon. The preacher says, "No man serves two masters" and...
Date Created1845-02-28
DescriptionBreakdown of voting in the 1844 Presidential election by Candidate. The candidates listed are James K. Polk,Rep.; Henry Clay, Dem; and James G. Birney, Liberty Party. In addition, there is a...
Date Created1845-07-01
DescriptionLewis Clark, formly a white slave of Kentucky,who lectured in the east on slavery and published a narrative of his life for twenty-five years among the Algerines of Kentucky. This article depicts his...
Date Created1845-07-01
DescriptionStory from New Jersey Freeman about a black child in New York, that was unsuccessfully abducted by a Louisville, Kentucky man that traveled to New York for the express purpose of kidnapping...
Date Created1845-02-28
DescriptionList of Liberty or abolitionist newspapers in the United States. Also included are the breakdown of New Jersey's liberty vote in the 1844 Presidential election.
Time PeriodCivil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877), Expansion and Reform (1801-1861)
Date Created1845-08-01
DescriptionArticle from New Jersey Freeman about New Jersey Judge's decision to allow a slave to remain the property of a white man who moved to New Jersey from the South. The Judge stated, "The Constitution has...
Time PeriodCivil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877), Expansion and Reform (1801-1861)
Date Created1844-12-31
DescriptionArticle from the New Jersey Freeman. A story of a slave and his wife also a slave, who were separated when another slave-owner bought the wife. The story tells the harsh reality of slave life, as...
Date Created1844-12-31
DescriptionPoem from New Jersey Freeman about the way the poor voted during the 19th century. "So they offered me a bribe...my vote is not mine." Political parties use to gain votes by buying them.
Date Created1863
DescriptionJoseph Holt, Judge Advocate General in a report to President Lincoln reviewed the court martial proceedings, findings and sentence in the trial of Major General Fitz John Porter charged with...
Date Created1848
DescriptionAn anti-war and anti-slavery sermon that condemned President James A. Polk for the hasty annexation of Texas territory between the Nueces and Rio Grande rivers and criticized the large cost in money...