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AuthorSheridan, Philip Henry
Date Created1888-08-02
DescriptionSheridan's two autobiographical volumes explored life in the United States before, during and after the 'War of Rebellion.' Sheridan was born to immigrant Irish parents who moved with the westward...
Date Created1861-1865
DescriptionAn 'extra' page from the pro-abolition press of Camden County listing men drafted into service in the Civil War from Camden, Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland counties of New Jersey.
Date Created1844-09
DescriptionStory from the New Jersey Freeman orginally from the Liberty Press of Utica, NY. The story goes a black man, on a dark train was talking with a bunch of whitemen as their equal. When the morning...
Date Created1844-07
DescriptionArticle from New Jersey Freeman about the effects of alcohol on the family. The writer reported that while on vacation at her friends well kept house that down the road there was a very ill-kept...
Date Created1844-07
DescriptionArticle from the New Jersey Freeman about the use of tobacco. This article is temperance related and thus shows another side to the purpose of the New Jersey Freeman. The article itself condemened...
Date Created1845-06
DescriptionArticle from the newspaper, the New Jersey Freeman about drinking. The article reports that out of a group of ten men, who spent one night in a bar drinking; three are now in a "drunkard's grave"...
Date Created1844-09
DescriptionArticle from New Jersey Freeman claiming some sections in Virginia believed that slavery was not against the Bible. These sections also claimed that the Bible supports slavery.
Date Created1865
DescriptionPoem by Asa Pyatt that recounts the burning of the South, the defeat of the Confederate states' attempt to secede from the union, and the political defeat of Jeff Davis.
Date Created1844-10
DescriptionPoem from the New Jersey Freeman about the life of a slave boy. The poem talks about the depressing conditions of slave life, but ends with hope that the bonds of slavery will be broken.
Date Created1844-10
DescriptionThe Liberty Party candidates of 1844 for Presdient and Vice President, as well as the electors, and governor of New Jersey.