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AuthorAines, Ronald O.
Date Created1959
Description'During the late summer and fall of 1958, a research study of the total cost of Puerto Rican farm workers to New Jersey farmers was carried out by the Department of Agricultural Economics. A large...
AuthorDubrovsky, Gertrude W.
Date Created1976
DescriptionThis paper by Gertrude W. Dubrovsky, a Research Associate at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, is from 'New Jersey's Ethnic Heritage: Papers Presented at the Eighth Annual New Jersey History...
Date Created1961
DescriptionMrs. Arthur Hawkins, president of the Consumers League of New Jersey, submits a statement to The Honorable B. Everett Jordan, Chairman of the Subcommittee on General Legislation and Agricultural...
AuthorDrasin, Boris
Date Created1939
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later renamed the Borough of Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban Jewish garment workers,...
Date Created1864
DescriptionThe Inferior Court of Common Pleas at Freehold was directed every spring session to set the price rates for liquors, food, lodging, provender, and stabling or pasturing of horses for every licensed...
AuthorForresta, Ronald A.
Date Created1976
DescriptionThis paper by Ronald A. Foresta, a geography Ph.D. candidate from Rutgers University, is from 'New Jersey's Ethnic Heritage: Papers Presented at the Eighth Annual New Jersey History Symposium,...
Date Created1958
DescriptionThe objective of the Newark Commission for Neighborhood Conservation and Rehabilitation (NCNCR) is better housing for all of the people of Newark through law enforcement, slum clearance, neighborhood...
Date Created1980
DescriptionThis is a case study of Newark's experimental resource recovery program, begun in 1975, six years before the region began solid waste planning. Through this program, Newark developed several...
Date Created1986
DescriptionThe City of Newark partnered with Self-Reliance, Inc. (SRI) of Washington, D.C., in 1983 to examine waste products and practices in order to reduce waste while stimulating economic development...
Date Created1986
DescriptionThe City of Newark partnered with Self-Reliance, Inc. (SRI) of Washington, D.C., in 1983 to examine waste products and practices in order to reduce waste while stimulating economic development...