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Date Created1913
DescriptionColor tinted postcard of Dr. Frank Field returning from house calls and watering his horse and soaking his wagon wheels in the North Branch under the old wooden bridge about 1913. From the collection...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1921
DescriptionPostcard of the recently completed new bridge over the North Branch River in 1921. Postcard printed by The Nomis Mfg. Co., Inc., 33 Union Square, New York City.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1900
DescriptionUndated postcard of the trout stream on the Far Hills side of the North Branch River.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created2007
DescriptionRaritan River flooding its banks taken from Albany Street bridge, northbound side, looking downstream.
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
DescriptionBlack and white postcard of Landing Bridge, New Brunswick, N. J. No postage or address, but a short message dated Novemebr 17, 1908. The earliest wood bridge erected in 1772 was destroyed by fire in...
Time PeriodThe Industrial Revolution (1870-1900)
Date Created1900
DescriptionGrist mill and bridge in Peapack. Lettering on the mill reads "H. N. Miller / Flour, feed, grain."
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1908
DescriptionAddressed to "Miss Maggie H[illegible], #61 East 52 Str., New York City." Handrwitten text: "May 4/08. [Hasty?] Greetings from Far Hills 40 miles from New York would'nt [sic] see you this week"
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1908
DescriptionHandwritten inscription: "Regards your Wm [Witt?]"
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1939
DescriptionPostcard is inscribed: “Just a few words to tell you I shall be back either Sun. night or Mon. a.m. This unexpected extra week has been nice, hasn’t it? I hope you are both well and enjoying these...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1939
DescriptionView of Liberty Park and bridge in 1939
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945), 1939