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Date Created1620
DescriptionPhotograph of contemporary portrait by Frans Hals of Cornelius Van Vorst, pioneering Dutch settler of the New Netherland colony. Both he and his descendants played a prominent part in the history of...
Time PeriodColonization and Settlement (1585-1763), Many Worlds Meet (to 1620)
Date Created1873
DescriptionMap showing division of property among the heirs of Cornelius Van Vorst, father of Jersey City Mayor, grandson of Revolutionary era patriot and descendant of original Dutch settler who all shared the...
Time PeriodExpansion and Reform (1801-1861)
Date Created1873
DescriptionMap showing division of property among the heirs of Cornelius Van Vorst, father of Jersey City Mayor, grandson of Revolutionary era patriot and descendant of original Dutch settler who all shared the...
Time PeriodExpansion and Reform (1801-1861)
Date Created1873
DescriptionMap showing division of property among the heirs of Cornelius Van Vorst, father of Jersey City Mayor, grandson of Revolutionary era patriot and descendant of original Dutch settler who all shared the...
Time PeriodExpansion and Reform (1801-1861)
Date Created1868
DescriptionAccounting of the fairly substantial estate of Stephen Vreeland, fifth generation Dutch American and the first of his line to live his life entirely after independence. Detailed list of monies paid...
Time PeriodCivil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)
AuthorToers, Claes Arentse
Date Created1694
DescriptionDocument in which Hilletje Jans, widow, asserts that she has leased a tract of land to her son in law Jan Arianse Sip, and agrees to continue the lease until her death, at which point all of her land...
Date Created1827-1849
DescriptionSeries of deeds and emendations, from 1827 to 1849, by which Cornelius Van Vorst sold additional land to William Colgate, adjoining the "new factory now erecting." The Colgate Company was among the...
Time PeriodExpansion and Reform (1801-1861)
AuthorCorwin, Edward Tanjore; Brett, Cornelius
Date Created1903
DescriptionMemorial sermon for Rev. Van Cleef, who served as pastor of First Reformed Dutch Church of Van Vorst, renamed Wayne Street Reformed Church, from 1850 through 1903. Biography covers his education at...
Time PeriodCivil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877), The Industrial Revolution (1870-1900)