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AuthorStuart, Betty
Date Created1979
DescriptionCovers the basic outline for recruiting and financing of several cult organizations: the Children of God) active in California), the New Testament Missionary Fellowship (focus on Yale University...
AuthorJoyce, Ann
Date Created1978
DescriptionArgues that nuclear energy plants are necessary for America and that the safety of these plants will be assured by future developments. The paper's author, Ann Joyce, is the daughter of the man who...
Date Created1900
Date Created1948
DescriptionSoldier musicians in the 9th Infantry Division Band at Fort Dix, N.J. await transportation for themselves and their instruments to a concert performance.
Date Created1948
DescriptionCorporal Andre Saindon poses in front of a sign for the 9th Infantry Division Band, Band Training Unit, at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Cpl. Saindon wears five "overseas stripes" on the sleeve of his...
Date Created1948
DescriptionThe Nurses Choir from Mercer Hospital, Trenton, New Jersey, visited soldiers at Fort Dix in spring 1948. They held a short performance at the USO, then enjoyed recreational activities together.
Date Created1948
DescriptionThe Nurses Choir from Mercer Hospital, Trenton, New Jersey, visited soldiers at Fort Dix in spring 1948. They held a short performance at the USO, then enjoyed recreational activities.
Date Created1948
DescriptionThe Nurses Choir from Mercer Hospital, Trenton, New Jersey, visited soldiers at Fort Dix in spring 1948. They held a short performance at the USO, then enjoyed recreational activities such as ping...
Date Created2013-11-13
DescriptionJosephine Milano Hahula, granddaughter of Italian immigrants, was born on the farm of her uncle (Milano family) in Somerville, NJ on November 29, 1922. In May of 1923, her immediate family moved to a...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930), 2013-11-13
AuthorWilmot, Anita
Date Created1985
DescriptionSynopsis of various women in medicine: Edith Blackwell (first woman graduate of US medical school), Clarissa Barton (founder of American Red Cross), Anna Fisher (physician and woman astronaut), Susan...