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Date Created1990
DescriptionA guide to chemical hazards and health & safety in the workplace.
Date Created2001-12-17
DescriptionThis document contains presentation slides, survey materials, and fact sheets, relating to firefighters use of right to know information.
Date Created1986
DescriptionThis document contains a press release, checklist, report, and poster related to employers and hazard communication standards.
Date Created1985-04-30
DescriptionThis document contains statement letters from fire fighters concerning the New Jersey Community Right-to-Know Act.
Date Created1985
DescriptionA collection of newspaper clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law from the year 1985.
Date Created1990-1993
DescriptionA collection of press clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law form the years 1990 to 1993.
Date Created1985-03-06-1985-05-02
DescriptionA series of legal documents relating to court cases concerning the legality of Right to Know legislation in the State of New Jersey dating from 1985.
Date Created2005-10-26
DescriptionProceedings and accompanying documentation from a 2005 forum on the then present status of the community Right to Know Program.
Date Created1992-03-27
DescriptionTestimony of the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) before the Governor's Right to Know Advisory Council annual public hearing from 1992.
Date Created1994-1995, 1990
DescriptionA collection of documents pertaining to staffing and budget concerns of the Right to Know Program.