TitlePersonal War Sketches
Date Created1865-1896
SubjectCivil War (United States 1861-1865), Adam, John, Buckalew, Frederick, Bradford, George Henry, Cannon, Stephen A., Churchward, George M., Danberry, George W., Danberry, William F., Dolan, Patrick H., Forman, James H., Garigan, Thomas F., Giles, Runyon V., Heilman, Frederick, McAvoy, James, Ochs, John, Parsell, John V., Pollard, Nelson, Robotham, David H., Roeder, George, Schrum, Nicholas, Terrill, John Newton, Voorhees, John D., Werner, Henry J., Young, Archie G., Grand Army of the Republic Kearny-Janeway Post No. 15, New Brunswick (N.J.)
DescriptionA large leather-bound book with gold lettering cover, presented to Kearny-Janeway Post No. 15 by William R. Janeway in 1896. Has the personal sketches of 23 members.
Dimensions -- 45 cm x 33 cm x 7 cm
Adam, John (page 9)
"Comrade John Adam who was born the Tenth day of May A.D. 1839 in Bavarian County of ___ State of Germany
First Enlisted April 1861, at the City of New York as Private 2nd N.Y. Militia of 82nd N.Y. Voll was Promoted to Corporal 1864
Was Discharged at Brandy Station the 20th Day of July 1865 as Corporal
First Engagement Bull Run, 2nd Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, 2nd Battle Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Bristow Station, Gettusburg, Wilderness, North Anna, Spottsylvania, Coal Harbor, Petersburg
Was Confined in Hospital at Davies Island was Wounded Sept 17, 1862
Was taken Prisoner June 22nd 1864 front of Petersburg Va
Was confined in Libby Prison, Andersonville, Florance [Florence], Macon, Salbury [Salisbury] as Gettysburg
Was parolled [sic] February 27, 1865
Comrades Daniel Murray, John Castelo, Henry Griggs, John Gibson
Most Important Battle Gettysburg"
Buckalew, Frederick (page 25)
"Comrade Frederick Buckalew who was born the Twenty Second day of November A.D. 1829 in Georges Road County of Middlesex State of New Jersey
First Enlisted August 12th 1862 at Freehold New Jersey as Private Co. K 14th Regiment New Jersey Vols
And was Discharged June 18th 1865 Cause Close of the War. Was Finally Discharged June 18th 1865 Near Washington D.C.
Was engaged in the Following Battles First of South Mountain, Second Near Culpeper, Petersburg, Frederick City, Winchester, Fishers Hill, Cedar Run, Petersburg
Some of my most Intimate Comrades in the Service: Jacob Janeway, Captain John Manning, Wyckoff Gariguer, Nickolas Schrumm, Adam Geiple"
Bradford, George Henry [page 26]
"Comrade George Henry Bradford, who was born the Sixteenth day of February A.D. 18___ in New Brunswick County of Middlesex State of New Jersey
First Enlisted July 26th 1862 as Private Co. I 14th Reg. N.J.Voll
Was First Discharged as Private at Brandy Station Va on Genl. Orders No. 108 A of P. [Army of the Potomac?] and was transfered to Navy August 19th 1864
And Was Finally Discharged 7th of June 1865 Expiration of Term
The First Battle Engaged in was Mine Run, 2nd Mobile Bay, Fort Fisher
Some of my Intimate Comrades were James Fisher, Abe Perdun, Jessee Hawks, Wicoff Voorhees, William Payton, John Strubble
The most important event of Service was at Mobile Bay"
Cannon, Stephen A. (page 40)
"Comrade Stephen Augustus Cannon who was born the Twenty Second day of March A.D. 1837 in Blozeing Stars [Blazing Stars?] County of Middlesex State of New Jersey
First entered the Service October 2nd 1861 at Trenton New Jersey as Private in Co. K, 7th Reg. N.J. Vols., acted as Corporal & Sergeant, was never Promoted
Was discharged as Private October 7th, 1864 at Trenton New Jersey.
The First Engagement was Yorktown Va, Second Wiliamsburg [Williamsburg], Fair Oaks, Bristow Station, Fredericksburg, Chancelorville [Chancellorsville], Gettysburg Pa, Wopping Heights, McClean Ford, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna River, Petersburg.
Some of my most Intimate Comrades Chaplain J.D. Rose, Captain James Brown, Frank Pollard, H.G. Emmell, Eugene Pollard, William Till, John & Abel Gruber, Charles Corblin, J. Searing, A. Tompkins
I deem the most important event at Chancelorville [Chancellorsville] I left the Rank & Rushed forward Hat and Gun in hands said Come on Boys we captured 7 stand of Coulers & while on the seven days march was stricken with typhoid fever and had to be carried to Hospital of the White House from the [there?] was sent North to Lie But Good Care from my sister was soon able to join my Regiment"
Churchward, George M. (page 42)
"Comrade George M. Churchward who was born the 17th of September A.D. 1843 in New Brunswick County of Middlesex State of New Jersey
First entered the Service 22nd Day of September 1862 at Freehold New Jersey as Private Co. D 28 N.J. Vols
Was Discharged at Freehold N.J. as private same Company & Regiment 4th Day of July 1863 being the expiration of term of service
The first Battle I was engaged in was Fredericksburg Va. The Second was Chancerville [Chancellorsville]
Was never Wounded nor in Hospital nor taken Prisoner
Some of my most Intimate Comrades: John Tallman, William Gambol, Richard Baker, Frank Olliver
The most important event in my Service was to get home
Was always healthy and with the Regiment and stole a Canteen of Whisky from Bill Hardy from under his Pillow"
Dolan, Patrick H. (page 44)
"Comrade Patrick H. Dolan who was born the ____ day of ____ A.D. 1840 in _____ County of ____ State of Ireland
First Enlisted May 9th 1861 as a Private in Co F 15th Regiment New York Vol. Enginers [sic] was Promoted Corporal December 22nd 1862
Was Discharged as Corporal in New York City June 25th 1863 By reason of Expiration of service I never reinlisted
The first Battle I was engaged in was Bull Run July 21st 1861
The second further engagements were Fair Oaks or seven pines May 31 and June 1, 1862, West Point Seven Days June 26 to July 3rd 1862, Malvern Hill June 30 1862, Seige [sic] of Yorktown April 5 to May 3, 1862, Fredericksburg Dec 13 1862, Chencolorville [Chancellorsvile] May 2nd & 3rd 1863, Swamps of Chickahominy with measels, & Battle of Antietam Sept 17, 1862
These are a few of my most intimate Friends John M Murphy, Clinton C.G. Colegate, John Farrell, Timothy Luley, Henry Belamy, Michael McCarty
The most important of my service events were Retreat of the Army at the Potomac
Could not think of any more"
Forman, James H. (page 70)
“Comrade James H. Forman who was born the Twenty Third day of July A.D. 1843 in Kingston County of Middlsex State of New Jersey
First Enlisted September 10th 1864 was mustered in on the 27th day of September at Trenton New Jersey as private [sic] Co. G 38th Reg New Jersey Volls [sic]
Was Corporal and acted as Sergeant part of the time while in service. October 1st 1864 was Promoted to Corporal Rank at Close of War same as above Stated
Was Discharged June 30th 1865 at City Point Va ending of the Rebellion
The Regiment was divided to do Garrisson [sic] duty one part at Fort Powhattan [Powhatan] the other at Pocahontas Va
My most Intimate Comrades Orderly Sergeant 2nd Sergeant Private Alford Davison, James Mungham, William Collins, Garret S. Tindall, John Voorhees, S.G. Shuck, John Davies and hosts of others
This is made out from the records of the Adjutant General’s Office recorded at Trenton who was then William S. Stryker A.A.G. was made October 5th 1885”
Garigan, Thomas F. (page 80)
“Comrade Thomas Francis Garigan who was born the Fifth day of June A.D. 1845 in Catskill County of ______ State of New York
Enlisted the 13th Day of January 1864 at Cohoes N.Y. State as Private Co. E 4th Regiment of Heavy Artilery New York State Vols
Was Discharged the 26th Day of September 1866 as Private at the City of Washington By Reason of End of War
The First engagement was Battle of the Wilderness, 2nd Cold Harbor Va., Petersburg June 27th, 30th, Deep Bottom, Reams Station, Welton Rail Road
Was taken Prisoner at Reams Station, Welton Rail Road by Genl. Hampton & Genl. Lee
On 25th day of August 1864 was Parolled on October 8th 1864 was 4 & 40 days a Prisoner of War in Libby Prison & Bell Island
Left prison on the 8th of October weak raged [ragged?] & lousy.
Most Intimate Comrades Thomas Nonan, Nelson Havey, Thom Depew, James Galvin, Richard Price
I deem the Most Important Event the Battle of Reams Station on the Welton R.R. We had Burned the Rail Road before the Battle started.”
Giles, Runyon V. (page 81)
“Comrade Runyon V. Giles who was born the fourteenth day of February A.D. 1846 near New Market County of Middlesex State of New Jersey
First Enlisted the 20th day of January 1864 at Somerville, Somerset County, NJ as Private in Co. B 9th Reg. NJ Vols.
Was Discharged the 12th day of July 1865 as Private at Greensboro N.C. Close of the War
Engaged in the following Battles Petersburg, Coal Harbor [Cold Harbor], Fort Wall Hall [Port Walthall], Bermuda, Hundred Drury’s Bluff.
Was Confined in Hospital at Hampton VA in the Fall of 1864.
My Most Intimate Comrades were Frank Kenyon, Allen McAndrews, Frank Acker
I deem the Most Important Event was when we received Orders to Come Home”
Heilman, Frederick (page 91)
“Comrade Frederick Heilman who was born the Seventhteen [sic] day of March A.D. 1833 in _____ County of _____ State of Germany
First entered the service October 11th 1862 as Private at New York City Co C 162 Reg New York Vols was promoted to Corporal at time of Enlistment was first discharged at Savanah [sic] Georgia as Private Reason Close of War Was transferred to New York Harts Island to be Paid off October 1865
First Battle was at Black Mills, 2nd Port Hudson. Basher(?) City, Schreveport, Pleasant Hill, Caine Bluff, Deep Bottom, Winchester
Most Intimate Comrades Andrew Fligman Corporal & Henry Land 1st Sergeant”
McAvoy, James (page 97)
“Comrade James McAvoy who was born the ____ day of ____ A.D. 1841 in ____ County of ____ State of Troy, New York
First enlisted 25th day of December 1861 at Jersey City NJ as Private Co. A 2nd N.J. Cav, was transferred right away to Co. L 1st N.J. Cav
Was discharged at Warrenton VA 1863 by reason of re-enlistment for another 3 years
Was finally discharged at Trenton NJ at close of war
First battle engaged was Cedar Mountain, 2nd & Fredericks, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Spotsylvania, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Deep Bottom, Weldon R.R. & Deep Bottom again, South-side R.R. Here I was taken sick and wounded, the last of Lee’s surrender of Appomatox was in hospital at City Point, dysentary & billows
Was taken prisoner in 1862 after the 2nd Battle of Bull Run by the 82nd Va. Cavalry Confeds, was parolled on the field by reason of having billows fever
My most intimate comrades were William Curran, Isa C. Maloney, James Painter, Con Galliger, Thomas Stout, George Schoonene, William H. Duglas
Most important event, the opening of the Mississippi River, taking of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg and flanking of Lee, the next important was a furlough of 30 Days but at a Sacrafise [sic] 3 More Years I had already served 2 years, but youth is Like sun shine and the service has never been grugd [sic] Country as it extended the hopes of enslaved Humanity both Black and White and have every honest man a possible future to have what is dearest a Home and the Proud sense of notiveduality [individuality?] the Glorious expansion of Democratic Principles the diserording [disordering?] to old Ideas that Royalty was God’s Handiwork”
Ochs, John (page 103)
“Comrade John Ochs who was born the Sixth day of April A.D. 1837 in ____ County of _____ State of Germany
First Enlisted September 6th 1861 as Private at Trenton N.J. Co H 1st Reg N.J. Cavalry
Was Discharged as Private at Warrington Vir 31st December 1863 for Reinlisting was next Discharged at Vienna Va July 24th 1865 Closing of War
First Battle at Shenadoah Valley 2nd 2nd Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancelorville [sic], Wilderness, Coal [sic] Harbor, Welton R.R., Brandy Station, Gettysburg
Was in Hospital at Newark N.J. May 1864
My Intimate Comrades Joseph Hadopp Johnathan Messeroll Henry Werner George Roeder Peter Van Note Pyot Hardy
Most Important event of service Coal [Cold] Harbor Gettysburg Wilderness”
Pollard, Nelson (page 116)
“Comrade Nelson Pollard who was born the Eleventh day of August A.D. 1839 in Scotland County of _____ State of Connecticut
Enlisted May 23rd 1861 at New Haven Conn. As Corporal Co. E 1st Conn Heavy Artilery [sic] was promoted Sergeant
Was Discharged May 23rd 1864 at Bermuda Hundred By Reason of Expiration of Term of Service
First Engagement at Siege of Yorktown April 30th to May 4th 2nd Hanover Court House May 27 Gains Mill May 30 to June 20 Chickahominy June 25 Golden Hill June 27 Malvin [sic] Hill July 1st Siege of Fredericksburg Dec 11 to 15th”
Parsell, John V. (page 117)
“Comrade John V. Parsell who was born the Ninth day of February A.D. 1829 in 62 Church St Middlesex County of ____ State of New Jersey
First Enlisted April 27th 1861 at the Court House New Brunswick New Jersey Entered the service at Trenton N.J. as Corporal resigned from that for peace sake and took the Drum as an expert Company K Captain’s Casher) [?] 3rd Reg N.J.V. Colonel Stryker Commanding I did not seek the Drum Major until I won it October 1862 Rank at Close of War was Drum Major
Was first discharged when my time was up July 31st 1861 at Trenton New Jersey I Enlisted at Freehold New Jersey in 28th Regiment August 30th 1862 Col Wisewell was sent on to Washington to Genl Sumners 2nd Army Corps, was next Discharged from the Hospital at Portsmouth Grove Rhode Island for Disability and was finaly [sic] Discharged at Providence Rhode Island for permanent Disability.
Engaged in the First Battle Bull Run I saved the Flag of the 3rd New Jersey Took it to Fort Runyon, 2nd Battle Fredericksburg
Was in Lincoln Hospital at Washington, Portsmouth Grove Rhode Island
I was [sic] By Rebel scouts but I made my Escape with others in the night to Washington Reported to Gen Mortindale showed him pass check was given Transportation to Acyeria [?] Creek to my Regiment.
Intimate Comrades all the Officers
Laid out all Night Burried [sic] in the snow looking at the turkey Buzzards I was discovered by Surgeon John Richmond of the 31st N.J.Vols sent to Washington recovered went and fought the Fredericksburg Battle”
Robotham, David H. (page 131)
“Comrade David H. Robotham who was born the Fifth day of June A.D. 1843 in Jersey City County of ____ State of New Jersey
First Enlisted May 27th 1861 as Private at Newark N.J. Company C 2nd Reg N.J. Vols
Was Discharged as Private June 21st 1864 Expiration of 3 years
First Engagement 1st Battle Bull Run July 21st 1861 2nd West Point May 7 Golden Farm, Gains Farm, Charles City Cross Roads June 30th 1862 Malvern Hill, Manasses Va Aug 27 62 Chantilly, Crampton’s Pass Md Sept 14 Antietam Sept 17 1862 Fredericksburg Dec 13 & 14, 62 Fredericksburg Va May 3rd 1863 Salem Heights May 3rd, 4th, 6th, Gettysburg July 2nd & 3rd 1863, Fairfield Pa. July 5, Williamsport Md July 6th, Trunktown Rappahannock Station Va Oct 12 1863, Rappahannock Station Nov 7, Mine Run Nov 30, Wilderness May 5th to 7th 1864, Spottsylvania May 8 to 10 64, Spottsylvania Court House May 29th Tolopotamy Chreek [Totopotomoy Creek] Va May 30 & 31, Cold Harbor June 1st & 2nd 1864
The most Important was when Reported to the Rear to go Home
Was never absent from Company taken from Company Record at Washington D.C. 1864”
Roeder, George (page 133)
“Comrade George Roeder who was born the Fourteenth day of November A.D. 1838 in _______ County of ______ State of Germany
First Enlisted September 4th 1861 at New Brunswick New Jersey as Private Co H First N.J. Cavalry as Sergeant was promoted Nov 1st 1863
Was discharged 31st Day of December 1863 as Sergeant at Washington Rheumatism For Reinlisting
Was finally Discharged at Vienna Virginia July 24th 1866 Closing of War
First Battle was in the Shenadoah Valley 2nd Battle 2nd Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancelorsville [sic], Wilderness, Coal [sic] Harbor, Weldon R.R., Brandy Station, Gettysburg. Was Confined in Hospital near Washington after Battle Gettysburg
Most Intimate Comrade Henry Werner, P. Van Note, Daniel Brotman, John Ochs, Joseph Hadopp, Johnathan Messeroll, Piet Hardy
The most Important event of my service Coal [Cold] Harbor Gettysburg Weldon R.R. Wilderness & Many Others
The ever sorrowfull [sic] day our Commander Hugh Janeway lost his Life and Saveing [sic] Johnathan Messeroll from falling in to the Hands of the Rebels wounded By my side Carried him on my Back over half mile to the Ambulance”
Schrum, Nicholas (page 132)
“Comrade Nicholas Schrum who was born the Twenty Fifth day of December A.D. 1842 in Bavaria County of ______ State of Germany
First enlisted August 1862 at Frehold [sic] N.J. as Private Co K 14th Reg N.J. Volls [sic]
Was Discharged at Trenton N.J. August 1865, end of War
Was Wounded on Head at Cold Harbor
Some of my most intimate Comrades in the service, Adam Geiple, George Feese, J.N. Terrill, John Stroble, George Bradford
Was always Healthy & ready for Duty
I saw something in connection with my military service which was A Comrade sitting on the Ground with Gun up at shoulder as in the act of shooting examined Him and found him Dead.”
Terrill, J.N. (page 134)
“Comrade J. Newton Terrill who was born the Tenth day of July A.D. 1842 in Westfield County of _____ State of New Jersey
First Entered Service August 11th 1862 as Private at Freehold N.J. Co K 14th Reg N.J. Vol.
Held Office Acting Sergeant at Headquarters in Charge of Prisoners about 1864. Was Brevet Sergeant at Close of War. Was discharged at Close of War at Washington D.C. War over.
First Battle Manassas Gap Va, Second Etc. Wapping Heights, Culpepper, Bristo [sic] Station, Kellys [sic] Ford, Brandy Station, Locust Grove, Mine Run, Culpepper Ford, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Hanover Court House, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, in Shenadoah Valley, Monocacy, Snickers [sic] Gap, Charlestown, Opequan, Fishers [sic] Hill, Mount Jackson, Cedar Creek, Hotches [sic] Run, Fort Steadman, Fall of Petersburg, Sailors [sic] Creek, Appomatox [sic].
Some of My Most Intimate Friends. Col. J. Janeway, Capt. John L. Manning, John H. Applegate, Geo H. Stout, Nahum Kent.
The most important events. After being away from Home 16 Months Received a 10 Days Furlough Home on Christmass [sic].
Had Charge of Prisoners [sic] Headquarters 3rd Div 6th Army Corps a Soldier named Kelly Deserted to the Enemy, he was Captured and sentenced to be shot. I placed him on his Coffin tied his arms and feet and placed a Bandage over his eyes, and gave the Firing squad the order to Fire. Eight Muskets were loaded, with Ball Cartridges, and four Muskets with Blanks. He fell Dead on his Coffin 8 Balls having [sic] pierced his Body. The Division was drawn up in a hollow Square 3000 strong it was a Sad affair one I Will Never Forget.
Voorhees, John D. (page 297)
“Comrade John D. Voorhees, who was born the Eight [sic] day of April A.D. 1842 in ______ County of Middlesex State of New Jersey
First Enlisted August 25th 1862 Private at Beverly N.J. Co. B 23rd Reg N.J.Volls
Was Discharged June 27th 1863 at Beverly as Corporal end of service
Reinlisted Sept 3rd 1864 Co G 38th Reg N.J.V.
Was finaly [sic] Discharged June 30th 1865 at City Point Va Telegram A.(??) May 29 1865
First Battle was Fredericksburg Va
Was Confined in Hospitals at Baltimore Washington Newark N.J.
Some of my most intimate Comrades I N Messeroll, George Lewis, Aaron Rightmire, George Johnson, William H. Conger, James H. Forman, Sylvester J. Shuck, Lurzene [Luzerne] Bartholomew, John Buckalew, A.S. Conover
The Most important event of my service was when I was Discharged
I am thankful I was not wounded or taken prisoner in service”
Werner, Henry J. (page 306)
“Comrade Henry J. Werner who was born the _______ day of _______ A.D. 18___ in ____ County of Holstein State of Gerany [sic]
First enlisted april [sic] 27, 1861 at Trenton New Jersey as private [sic] Co K 3rd Reg Vol Inft & 1st Cavalry held the office of Corporal Sergeant 2nd Luit [sic] & Captain was promoted Corporal Aug 24 1861 Sergeant June 6, 1863 2nd Luit [sic] of K Nov 1, 1864 Captain July 18, 1863 at Close of War Was Captain.
Was first Discharged July 31st 1861 at Trenton Expiration of Term
Reinlisted Jan 1, 1864 was next Discharged at Trenton July 1865 was finaly [sic] Discharged at Trenton July 1865, Close of the War. The first Battle engaged in was Fredericksburg Va was wounded at Fords [sic] Tavern May 5, 1864, was confined in Hospital, Finly Hospital Washington D.C.
Was taken Prisoner at Harrisburg Va Jan. 6, By Stonewall Jackson
Was confined in Prison 9 weeks at Lynchburg Va and 5 Weeks at Belle Island was regularly Discharged Sept 12, 1862 was in connection with my military live [sic] at Polish [Pohick] Church, 29, 1861 Polish [Pohick] Creek Jun 15 1862 Fredericksburg April 18, 62, Sedam Tavern [Seddons’ Farm] May 1, 62 Greys Corner [Gray’s Farm] May 9 62, Strasburg June 1, 62, Woodstock June 2, 62, Horresburg [Harrisonburg] June 6, 62, Aldie Oct 21, Fort Congord [Port Conoway], Nov 19, 62, Fredericksburg, Dec 4, 62, Rappahanock Station Apl 7 & May 1, Kelleys [Kelly’s] Ford May 19, Brandy Station June 9, 63, Aldie Road 17 & 22, 63, Middleburg June 19, 63, Upperville June 21, 63, Westminster June 30, Gettysburg July 2 & 3, Emmetsburg [Emmettsburg] July 4 & 6, Cavetown July 8, Harpers [sic] Ferry July 14, Sheppardstown July 26, Perryville July 31, Salem Aug 1st, White Plains Aug 16, Sulphur Oct 12, Five Forks April 1, Aurelia [Amelia] Springs April 5, Jettersville & Sailor Creek April 6, Farmville Apl 6
My most intimate Comrades were George Roeder, Jon Hodapp, J. Corcoran”
Young, Archie G. (page 137)
“Comrade Archie G. Young who was born the Thirtieth day of August, A.D. 1840 in Murhill County of James City State of Virginia
First enlisted August 18th 1862 at Board Gun Boat Cimaron on James River Va as Boy
Ship Gunboat Cimaron Princeton New Hampshire
Held Office of Coal Helper Captain of the Head Captain of Maggazine [sic] Lamp
Was Promoted in 1863 & 1864 also Mess Cook & Captain of the Maggazine [sic] Lamp First Class Boy
Was First Discharged June 2nd 1865 after the Close of the War at Philadelphia Pa Navy Yard
Was Transferred to the South Atlantic Squadron
Was Finaly [sic] Discharged June 2nd 1865
The First Battle Saint Johns [sic] Bluff, Fort Sumpter, Fort Wagner, within these Forts seven days on the same stretch then to Rebel Ram Atlanta which we Captured in Warsaw Sound Georgia I was sun struck & Remained on the ship attended by Doctor Alcot. My [entry ends here]”
Genrejournals (accounts)
CollectionCivil War
Organization NameNew Brunswick Free Public Library