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AuthorWaugh, Isabelle
Date Created1996
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Isabell Waugh, a former teacher at Seabrook, compares and constrasts the different groups of students she taught. She remembers that native-born American teenagers tended...
Date Created1941
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later the Borough of Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of...
AuthorSikkemae, Reet
Date Created1952-1961
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Estonian Reet Sikkemae recalls arriving at Seabrook in the early 1950s. Reet's family had been relocated to a displaced person's camp in Germany, and then had emigrated...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
AuthorRichards, Marguerite L.
Date Created1956
DescriptionAfter the Soviets suppressed the Revolution in Hungary in 1956, approximately 200,000 Hungarians fled the country. Many Hungarian refugees came to New Jersey, some of whom were housed at Camp Kilmer,...
Date Created2005
DescriptionThe Seabrook Educational and Cultural Center has been soliciting current and past residents of Seabrook Farms for an "I remember" project. Residents are asked to create narratives regarding their...
Date Created1980
DescriptionInterview conducted by Robbie Coker for the New Jersey Historical Commission's New Jersey Multi-Ethnic Oral History Project. The interview is with Hazel Fields, an African American, who was born in...