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Date Created
DescriptionFletcher Webster (the son of Daniel Webster) endorses Peter Still and his purpose and agrees to contribute to his cause both monetarily and through his testimony.
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DescriptionKate Pickard expresses her delight at seeing Peter Still and at his freedom from slavery; relates her knowledge of Still (his circumstances, character and abilities) when she taught in Alabama at the...
Date Created
DescriptionLetter of recommendation for Peter Still written by E.E. Boudinot, who reports that he has known Still for two years and has employed him for “some months past,” together with an added...
Date Created
DescriptionLetter of introduction for Peter Still written by Joseph Parrish. This item includes an annotation by John P. Robinson, Boston, January 3, 1853, identifying Parrish as “a distinguished physician of...
Date Created1854
DescriptionLetter of introduction for Peter Still, written by A.M. Taylor, which states in part that Still is in Cincinnati from Burlington, New Jersey, "[a]waiting the arrival of his wife & three children who...
Date Created1854
DescriptionLetter of introduction for Peter Still, written by Julia (Reynolds) Marvin, which briefly recounts Still's life; notes that Still, whom Marvin knew in Alabama, has raised the entire sum for the...
Date Created1854
DescriptionLetter of introduction for Peter Still, written by the Rev. Samuel J. May, that notes Still's status as a former slave and states that Still has raised almost enough money to free his family members...
Date Created
DescriptionLetter of introduction for Peter Still written by the Rev. Thomas Starr King.
Date Created1854
DescriptionLetter of introduction for Peter Still, written by Horace Greeley, which notes, of the sum required to free Still’s family members, that: “It is robbery to pay it, but inhumanity to refuse.”
Date Created1854
DescriptionJohn Simpson reports that Mr. McKeirnan [sic] told him that he would not part with the slaves in question--Peter Still’s family members--for less than 6,000 dollars (as the two boys alone allegedly...