DescriptionManpower needed to transport bads of silver dollars to main office as the controller, Elmer N. Sprenkel looks on happily. Picture taken on June 30, 1950.
DescriptionBarbara Pratt being paid off by the controller (Elmer N. Sprenkel) as Charles and the Director of Mint (Nellie Taylor Ross) look on. A newspaper article in the Bridgeton Evening News of July 1, 1950...
DescriptionBig-wigs at the main table during a party at the Estonian house at Seabrook Farms. Pictured here are Elmer N. Sprenkel, Else Vilms, CF Seabrook, Maimu Miido, and Endel Miido.
DescriptionController Sprenkle paying off employee (Barbara Pratt) as "C.F." Seabrook smiles with Mrs. Nellie T. Ross, Director of the U.S. Mint looking on. Picture taken at Seabrook Farms on June 30, 1950.