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AuthorSikkemae, Reet
Date Created1952-1961
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Estonian Reet Sikkemae recalls arriving at Seabrook in the early 1950s. Reet's family had been relocated to a displaced person's camp in Germany, and then had emigrated...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionPictured is a plant timeclock being operated by a plant timekeeper at Seabrook Farms. Timeclocks and timekeepers were located at various stations throughout the plant and the Farms.
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionThis steam stack is one example of the self-sufficient operations at Seabrook Farms. The Farms produced its own utilities, such as electricity and clean water. Steam was used for cooking and...
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionThis aerial view of Seabrook Farms shows the plant, factory, fields, and housing villages for the workers.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1958
DescriptionPictured are Dorothy Chapman of the Seabrook Community House, and Yo Yeya, an Ikebana teacher. Both women are dressed in Japanese kimonos. Ikebana is a Japanese art involving the arrangement of...
Date Created1940-1960
DescriptionMs. Martin controls the conveyor belt machine that is responsible for filling cartons with produce, and then automatically closing the carton lids. The woman in the background of the photo is working...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1945
DescriptionThis photo of Michi Nishiura's apartment was taken during the spring of 1945. Michi was the music disc jockey at the plant on Seabrook Farms. She also attended college, and then worked as the...
Date Created1943-1944
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Helen Cubberley recalls the time her family spent at Seabrook Farms in the early 1940s. Her husband, Victor, was an office manager for Seabrook, while Helen worked for...
AuthorSasho, Tei
Date Created1945-1948
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Tei Sasho recalls how he was invited to Seabrook to assist Dick Kunishima with establishing and running a grocery store, a cafeteria, and a baseball team. Mr. Sasho...
AuthorReinvald, Ilmar
Date Created1949-1994
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Estonian Ilmar Reinvald recalls moving from Estonia to Seabrook Farms in 1949 at the age of 12. His best memories come from making friends in the diverse community. When...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)