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AuthorKimmel, Edward
Date Created1940-1949
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Edward Kimmel recalls his childhood time at Seabrook, where his father worked as a timekeeper. He remembers playing on the farm equipment and in the fields. He also...
AuthorPillow, Shirley Stotz
Date Created1940-1955
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Shirley Stotz Pillow recalls her childhood at Seabrook. She remembers building forts in the snow in winter; participating in a Japanese dance with her Japanese friends;...
Date Created1950-1994
DescriptionKiyoko Kaneshiki displays the impressive vegetables she grew in her garden. Each family at Seabrook was allotted a small portion of land to grow plants. Iddy Asada recalls in her memoir, 'I remember...
AuthorRitchey, Hazel Okino
Date Created1994
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Hazel Okino Ritchey remembers her mother, Alice Oda Okino. After Hazel's family moved to Seabrook from the Arkansas camp they were interned at, her mother began teaching...
AuthorOye, Sunkie
Date Created1942-1944
DescriptionSunkie Oye, a resident of Seabrook, recalls the three years her family was interned at the Poston II internment camp in the desert out west. Because of the war, her father had been incarcerated in...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
AuthorWaugh, Isabelle
Date Created1996
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Isabell Waugh, a former teacher at Seabrook, compares and constrasts the different groups of students she taught. She remembers that native-born American teenagers tended...
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionOlan Conover was the plant manager at the Seabrook Farms factory during the 1950s. John Fuyuume describes the duties of shift plant managers, and the nature of the shift work, in his memoir, 'I...
Date Created1953
DescriptionJack Keefe, supervisor of Cumberland Warehouse, conducts a tour for visitors to Seabrook. In the photo, he points out the Amerio plate freezers.
Date Created1952
DescriptionCarl Holm of the Timekeeping department at Seabrook Farms is pictured here checking time sheets of Seabrook employees.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionDolores Carter was the packing line supervisor at Seabrook Farms. In the photo, she is supervising packing lines receiving baby gifts.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)