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Date Created2002-05-11
DescriptionAlbum chronicling the 30th Anniversary of the Roseland Library's Incorporation. The event was commemorated by a Borough-Wide reading activity. All families were invited to read the same book, "Homer...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1997
DescriptionPhoto of line-drawings of the sign-board featuring the name, Roseland Free Public Library and the address at the bottom
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1997
DescriptionAlbum commemorating the year long celebration of the Silver Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Roseland Free Public Library. The festivities included a Borough Council Reception, Open House...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1997
DescriptionAlbum commemorating the year long celebration of the Silver Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Roseland Free Public Library. The festivities included a Borough Council Reception, Open House...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1997
DescriptionPhoto of the jointer planer in the workshop which is used for holding and gluing the wood planks together for the signboard of the Roseland Free Public Library.
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created2002-05-11
DescriptionAlbum chronicling the 30th Anniversary of the Roseland Library's Incorporation. The event was commemorated by a Borough-Wide reading activity. All families were invited to read the same book, "Homer...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1997
DescriptionAlbum commemorating the year long celebration of the Silver Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Roseland Free Public Library. The festivities included a Borough Council Reception, Open House...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created2002-05-11
DescriptionAlbum chronicling the 30th Anniversary of the Roseland Library's Incorporation. The event was commemorated by a Borough-Wide reading activity. All families were invited to read the same book, "Homer...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created2002-05-11
DescriptionAlbum chronicling the 30th Anniversary of the Roseland Library's Incorporation. The event was commemorated by a Borough-Wide reading activity. All families were invited to read the same book, "Homer...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created2002-05-11
DescriptionAlbum chronicling the 30th Anniversary of the Roseland Library's Incorporation. The event was commemorated by a Borough-Wide reading activity. All families were invited to read the same book, "Homer...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)