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AuthorPrintz, John
Date Created1644
DescriptionGovernor Johan Printz reports the 1644 status of the New Sweden Colony (now present-day New Jersey) to the Queen of Sweden. He provides accounts of remaining supplies, trade relations with other...
AuthorRuttens, Peter
Date Created1638
DescriptionThe translation of this affidavit legally recognizes and describes the first Swedish voyage to the New World on the ship, 'Key of Calamar.' It also explains Pieter Minuit's purchase of land on the...
Date Created1988
DescriptionThis introduction describes six primary sources regarding the settlement of the New Sweden Colony in New Jersey. The collection of Primary Source Materials was compiled by the New Sweden Commemorative...
Date Created1996
DescriptionFritz Schade, a German immigrant and a member of the Free Acres community in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, is interviewed about his memories at Free Acres. He recalls that many of his fellow Germans...
AuthorPrintz, Johan
Date Created1647
DescriptionGovern Johan Printz, the governor of New Sweden (later to become New Jersey), reports on the status of the colony and the settlers. Many freemen have arrived to settle in New Sweden, but the...
Date Created1939
DescriptionJersey Homesteads was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had emigrated from Europe. ...