DescriptionThis March 2, 1961, report consists of statistical figures of migratory labor in New Jersey during 1960. Figures were collected from various official sources, and include a comparison of migrant...
Description'During the late summer and fall of 1958, a research study of the total cost of Puerto Rican farm workers to New Jersey farmers was carried out by the Department of Agricultural Economics. A large...
DescriptionMrs. Arthur Hawkins, president of the Consumers League of New Jersey, submits a statement to The Honorable B. Everett Jordan, Chairman of the Subcommittee on General Legislation and Agricultural...
DescriptionThis article from the Workers Defense League newsletter describes organizing among Puerto Rican farm workers over wages and working conditions. The Workers Defense League, founded in 1936 by Norman...
DescriptionThis memorandum from Dick Hogarty of the New Jersey Office of Economic Opportunity, lists in chronological order the deaths of various migrant workers throughout New Jersey from 1962 to 1965. The...
DescriptionThis unpublished report by the Workers Defense League describes poor wages, working conditions, and housing among British West Indian and Bahamian contract workers on New Jersey farms. It compares...