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Date Created1900
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1899
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1880
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1853-1854
DescriptionMemo book kept by Peter Still (and written in by others) that: records sums of from 20 dollars to 1,055 dollars collected, in approximately 20 locations in New York, Maine, New Hampshire,...
DescriptionIn the late 1870s, Peter Stillwell, Agent for Monmouth County, Marlboro, New Jersey for Marshall & Websters commissioned a broadside of Excelsior Feed for horses and cattle. Within the advertisement,...
Date Created1869
DescriptionThis broadside from February 1869 invites New Brunswick residents to attend orator Peter S. Bergen's lecture on love, courtship, and marriage, as well as to listen to quotations from Shakespeare and...
Date Created
DescriptionWilliam Still inquires about Peter Still’s progress toward freeing his family members from slavery, including whether or not their owner Mr. McKeirnon [sic] has agreed to lower the price asked to...
Date Created1853
DescriptionNathan Durfee, assuming that a total of 3,500 dollars is required to free Peter Still’s enslaved family, offers to pay 600 dollars to him, once that is the remaining sum which Still requires,...
Date Created1953
DescriptionSouth Park Restaurant, 103 & Broad St. Newark, NJ Jennie & Peter Montis, c. 1953
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created
DescriptionKate Pickard acknowledges receiving Peter Still’s letter; relates information from her sister Julia, in Tuscumbia or vicinity, regarding a Dr. Hargraves and a Judge Weakley there who are sympathetic...