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Date Created1902
DescriptionBack of City Hall as viewed among the ruins from main Street and Van Houten Street after the Great Fire of 1902. Circa February 1902.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1906
DescriptionPaterson postcard view of downtown Paterson City Hall located at 155 Market Street. Hamilton Trust Co. is the building on the left.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1902
DescriptionCity Hall as viewed from the remains of the Katz Building across the street on Market Street, after the Great Fire of 1902. The Paterson Savings Institution is on the far left
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1902
DescriptionCity Hall was gutted by the Great Fire of February 9, 1902. The city lost almost all of its archives, including vital statistics of births, deaths, etc. This view was taken from the ruins of the...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1910
DescriptionInterior of the City Hall, City Council Chambers, at 155 Market Street. A portrait of John J. Brown, first Mayor of Paterson, 1854 hangs to the left of the photograph.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1902
DescriptionDistant view of the ruins of the First National bank with arched windows and the remaining wall of the old City Hall to its left, after the Great Fire of 1902. Circa February 1902.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1902
DescriptionSecond National Bank and the City Hall as viewed from the remains of the Katz Building across the street on Market Street, after the Great Fire of 1902. The Paterson Savings Institution is on the far...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1902
DescriptionGutted remains of the City Hall, Market Street, circa March 1902. John W. Ferguson, general contractor and builder, erected a workshed to start the reconstruction. The Second National Bank on the...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1930
DescriptionBirdseye view down Washington Street. The Hamilton and Lincoln Trust Companies are on the right and the right corner of the City Hall is on the left. Circa 1930. Glass lantern slide.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1902
DescriptionStereographic view of the Great Fire of February 9, 1902. The arched windows of the First National Bank and the remaining wall of the old City Hall stand in the distance. A gentleman directs a water...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)