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Date Created1966
DescriptionTownship map of Cranford including Kenilworth and Garwood sections and portions of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and the Garden State Parkway. Legend indicates locations of municipal buildings,...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1930
DescriptionIn addition to the title page, the 1930 Plat-Book contains three indices and 48 detailed map plates of the city of Trenton, and 6 detailed map plates and one page containing three indices for the...
Date Created1930
DescriptionIn addition to the title page, the 1930 Plat-Book contains three indices and 48 detailed map plates of the city of Trenton, and 6 detailed map plates and one page containing three indices for the...
Date Created1930
DescriptionIn addition to the title page, the 1930 Plat-Book contains three indices and 48 detailed map plates of the city of Trenton, and 6 detailed map plates and one page containing three indices for the...