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AuthorMoran, Jim; Twomey, Steve
Date Created1977-1979
DescriptionAssorted press clippings dated 1977-1979.
AuthorBlake, Chris; Horvitz, Paul; Kean, Thomas; Carney, Leo H.; Elissa, McCrary; Johnson, Tom; Pembleton, Mary E.; Jones, Angela; Byrd, Frederick W.; Peterson, Lisa; Sterling, Guy; Sanders, Bob; Gluck, Gabriel H.; Peet, Judy; Solomon, Jolie B.; Russell, Mark; Coombe, Deborah; Orr, J. Scott; Schwab, David
Date Created1984
DescriptionAssorted press clippings dated 1984.
Date Created1990-1993
DescriptionA collection of press clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law form the years 1990 to 1993.
AuthorEngler, Rick; DePalma, Anthony; Kalik, Barbara Faith; Tollerson, Ernest; Warshaw, Donald; Scherzer, Eric; Fink, David; Freedman, Lewis; Breslin, Patrick; Wagner, Dodie Murphy; Sullivan, Joseph F.; Johnson, Tom; Diemer, Joe; Hanley, Robert; Horvitz, Paul
Date Created1983-08-1983-12
DescriptionPress clippings and releases dated August-December, 1983.
AuthorAllen, Frank; Johnson, Tom; Brownstein, Pamela; Bishop, Gordon; Morris, Charles W.; Trento, Joe; Thompson, R. Brierley; Fitzsimmons, Helen; Diemer, Joe; Micko, Lillian; Stewart, Ann; Nogaki, Jane; Shrom, Ralph; Morford, James C.; Engler, Rick; Jaffe, Mark; Wright, Chapin; Mullin, Edward; Carney, Leo H.; Applegate, Debbie; Hester, Tom
Date Created1983-01-1983-04
DescriptionAssorted press clippings and press releases dated January-April, 1983.
AuthorDalton, Daniel J.; Johnson, Tom; Goldberg, Elliot; Micko, Lillian; Bledsoe, Lysbeth; Moore, Lee; Wyman, Andrea S.A.; Ruane, Michael E.; Clark, George; Donohue, Joseph; Stewart, Ann; Goldberg, Elliot; Weiner, Tim; Diemer, Joe; Hester, Tom; Joyce, Marilyn; Carney, Leo H.; Riordan, Kevin; Quinn, Tim; Estes, Kenneth R.
Date Created1982
DescriptionAssorted press clippings and releases dated 1982.
Date Created1985
DescriptionA collection of newspaper clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law from the year 1985.
Date Created1994-1998, 2000
DescriptionA collection of press clippings concerning the Right to Know Law from the years 1994 to 1998 and 2000.
Date Created1994-1998, 2000
DescriptionA collection of press clippings concerning the Right to Know Law from the years 1994 to 1998 and 2000.