DescriptionA chart summarizing Right to Know county lead agency activity reports including information on surveys received, calls received, requests for information, employers contacted, and inspections by...
DescriptionCorrespondence regarding the Worker and Community Right to Know Act and Right to Know Program. Several letters are between Richard Willinger (Right to Know Program Manager) and Rick Engler regarding...
DescriptionDocuments related to conferences held for the New Jersey Worker and Community Right to Know Act. Includes informational flyer, memo, and press advisory for dates and locations for Right to Know...
DescriptionCorrespondence between Rick Engler and several government representatives, mainly commissioners from the Department of Health, concerning the Worker and Community Right to Know Act. Most letters...
DescriptionCorrespondence, proposed amendments, labels, placarding charts and other assorted documents regarding universal chemical labeling under the Right to Know Act.
DescriptionDocuments related to the implementation of the Worker and Community Right to Know Act and education and outreach programs. It includes several letters between Right to Know Project representatives and...