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DescriptionBlack and white photograph of "Rutgers Trap" with three unknown children playing in front of it. Also known as "The Trap," or "The Old Trap," it was the dormitory for the Rutgers Preparatory School....
Time PeriodThe Industrial Revolution (1870-1900), The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
DescriptionColor photo of aerial view of New Brunswick over College Avenue Campus towards downtown New Brunswick. Johnson and Johnson World Headquarters can be seen in the center of the photograph, as well as...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1941-04-06
DescriptionPhoto of girls from local high schools delivering daffodils to businesses at Easter. The photo was published April 6, 1941 in the Daily Home News.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1939-1945
DescriptionPortrait of Marian P. Schumacher take by Tarza Studios in New Brunswick, N. J.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1939-1945
DescriptionColor portrait of Marian P. Schumacher by Thomas Photography.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1941-06-19
DescriptionProgram for Commencement ceremony of the New Brunswick High School Class of 1941. Inside it includes a list of graduates by subject studied (Academic, Scientific, Commerical, General, Agriculture) and...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1999
DescriptionShot of the view along the New Street overpass at the entrance to Route 18. The New Brunswick Homes are on the right. The street and ground under the overpass is covered with water in the aftermath...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
DescriptionColor postcard, with postmark date of July 14, 1910, featuring the N.J. State Experiment Station located at Rutgers College. Built by the State of New Jersey for the State Agricultural Experiment...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1922
DescriptionQuestionnaire for Department of Americanization of the New Jersey League of Women Voters.
Date Created1921
DescriptionDepartment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Report, dated July 13, 1924, reporting on the "Population of New Brunswick, New Jersey, by sex, color or race, age, and country of birth for the...