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DescriptionColor postcard of Voorhees Library located on Voorhees Mall on College Avenue Campus of Rutgers University. The back is postmarked Oct. 1921. Voorhees Hall was built in 1903 to house the Rutgers...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
DescriptionAerial view of the College Avenue Campus of Rutgers University. The date of the photograph is unknown, but it was before the headquarters of Johnson and Johnson was erected and Route 18 was created in...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
DescriptionBlack and white photo postcard of Armory Building at Rutgers College. Servicemen are lined up on the front steps of the building. Postmarked December 1, 1906.
Date Created1904
DescriptionColor postcard of Class of 1902 Memorial Gateway. Erected in 1904 by the Class of 1902, the Gateway is located on Hamilton Street behind Old Queen's. The postcard has no date on it.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
DescriptionBlack and white postcard featuring one of four entrance gates to Rutgers College. This one, located at George and Somerset Streets, is the Class of 1883 Memorial Gates. These gates were erected in...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
DescriptionPostcard with two color photographs, one of Van Nest hall, and the other of the Labratory. The second instructional building at Rutgers, Van Nest Hall was erected in 1845 and named for Abraham Van...
Time PeriodThe Industrial Revolution (1870-1900)
DescriptionColor postcard featuring obscured view of Winants Hall. Winants Hall was Rutgers first dormitory, constructed in 1890. It is named for Garret E. Winants, a wealthy philanthropist from Bayonne who in...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
DescriptionColor postcard of Gateway to Rutgers College sent to Miss Mary N. Walker of Morris Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Postmark date March 11, 1907. Placed at the principal entrance to the Queen's campus on...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
DescriptionColor photo of Alexander Library, undated. Alexander Library was named after Archibald Stevens Alexander who was New Jersey State Treasurer, a Rutgers Trustee and member of the Board of Governors....
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
Date Created1939-06-16
DescriptionMenu of The Livingston Spa Incorporated, located at 25 Livingston Avenue, from June 16, 1939. The Livingston Spa was located at this address from 1932 to 1954.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)