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AuthorNagahiro, Laye Ikeda
Date Created1944-1960
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Laye Ikeda Nagahiro recalls a service club she belonged to at Seabrook called "The Colleens." The Colleens were responsible for planning and organizing community events,...
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionPictured is a Seabrook green bus. Seabrook residents used the green buses for transportation. In the photo, children are taking the green bus home after their outing at Parvin.
AuthorPoldma, Milli
Date Created1995
DescriptionThis booklet, subtitled "From Displaced Persons Camp to Success in America", offers an overview of the work and social lives of Estonians who immigrated in 1949 and 1950 to the United...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionThe forelady - the woman in the foreground with the dark sweater and dark cap - is feeding packaged produce into a wrapping machine at Seabrook Farms. After packages are shrink-wrapped, they are...
AuthorPillow, Shirley Stotz
Date Created1940-1955
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Shirley Stotz Pillow recalls her childhood at Seabrook. She remembers building forts in the snow in winter; participating in a Japanese dance with her Japanese friends;...
Date Created1940-1949
DescriptionPictured from left to right are Fuju Sasaki, Ellen Nakamura, and Harold Ouchida. These representatives from the Jerome Relocation Commission in Arkansas were invited to Seabrook to investigate the...
Date Created1940-1960
DescriptionPictured is the packing line at Seabrook Farms. This is where the wrapping machine wrapped up full cartons of produce. Afterwards, workers would move the sealed cartons to diferent trays that were...
Date Created1940-1960
DescriptionMs. Martin controls the conveyor belt machine that is responsible for filling cartons with produce, and then automatically closing the carton lids. The woman in the background of the photo is working...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionPictured is Annice(Ann) Locke, former head of the USO, which served as the community house at Seabrook. Later Dorothy Chapman took over and helped establish the Seabrook Community House. Ms. Locke...
Date Created1950-1994
DescriptionOverhead aerial view of Seabrook Farms Co. Produce fields, plant buildings, and Hoover Village can be seen.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)