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Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionPictured is a plant timeclock being operated by a plant timekeeper at Seabrook Farms. Timeclocks and timekeepers were located at various stations throughout the plant and the Farms.
Date Created1952
DescriptionCarl Holm of the Timekeeping department at Seabrook Farms is pictured here checking time sheets of Seabrook employees.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionThis aerial view of Seabrook Farms shows the plant, factory, fields, and housing villages for the workers.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1994
DescriptionKiyoko Kaneshiki displays the impressive vegetables she grew in her garden. Each family at Seabrook was allotted a small portion of land to grow plants. Iddy Asada recalls in her memoir, 'I remember...
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionDolores Carter was the packing line supervisor at Seabrook Farms. In the photo, she is supervising packing lines receiving baby gifts.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionOlan Conover was the plant manager at the Seabrook Farms factory during the 1950s. John Fuyuume describes the duties of shift plant managers, and the nature of the shift work, in his memoir, 'I...
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionKazou 'Kaz' Kobayashi is pictured in the Quality Control Lab. He was experimenting with and testing different ways of preserving crops, such as peas, until they were ready to be sold. For example,...
AuthorSasaki, Barney
Date Created1944-1965
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Barney Sasaki recalls games that Seabrook children would play on hot, muggy summer nights. Although they played games that were similar to those played by children...
AuthorSasho, Tei
Date Created1945-1948
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Tei Sasho recalls how he was invited to Seabrook to assist Dick Kunishima with establishing and running a grocery store, a cafeteria, and a baseball team. Mr. Sasho...
AuthorNagahiro, Laye Ikeda
Date Created1944-1960
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Laye Ikeda Nagahiro recalls a service club she belonged to at Seabrook called "The Colleens." The Colleens were responsible for planning and organizing community events,...