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AuthorWoodruff, J. Alan
Date Created2000-03-03
DescriptionIn this "I remember," memoir, J. Alan Woodruff of Bridgeton, New Jersey, recalls his experiences of attending Seabrook schools and living near the Seabrook community. He believes that the influx of...
Time Period1944, 1949
AuthorLaws, Elaine Glendon
Date Created1994
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Elaine Glendon Laws recalls when elementary-aged Japanese students first arrived at Seabrook. Two fifth-grade classes were created to accommodate everyone. She remembers...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945), 1945, 1945
AuthorRitchey, Hazel Okino
Date Created1994
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Hazel Okino Ritchey remembers her mother, Alice Oda Okino. After Hazel's family moved to Seabrook from the Arkansas camp they were interned at, her mother began teaching...
AuthorTsufura, Satoru
Date Created1945-1946
DescriptionAlthough Satoru Tsufura only lived at Seabrook for a year, he still contributed to Seabrook's reputation of producing outstanding athletes. In fact, Sat was the only 4-letter athlete in his graduating...
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionFrank Hemenway was a Production Manager at Seabrook Farms. He was involved with shift timekeeping and acted as a checker supervisor.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionRuth Murray was a plant timekeeper at Seabrook Farms. She is affectionately remembered as the 'plant timekeeper with personality.' Plant timekeepers manned various stations around the Farms, and...
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionPictured is a plant timeclock being operated by a plant timekeeper at Seabrook Farms. Timeclocks and timekeepers were located at various stations throughout the plant and the Farms.
Date Created1952
DescriptionCarl Holm of the Timekeeping department at Seabrook Farms is pictured here checking time sheets of Seabrook employees.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1960
DescriptionThis aerial view of Seabrook Farms shows the plant, factory, fields, and housing villages for the workers.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1994
DescriptionKiyoko Kaneshiki displays the impressive vegetables she grew in her garden. Each family at Seabrook was allotted a small portion of land to grow plants. Iddy Asada recalls in her memoir, 'I remember...