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Date Created2016
DescriptionThe Courthouse Steps quilt pattern is a variation of the traditional 12” square Log Cabin quilt pattern. Two strips of fabric are added to opposite sides of a center square first, and then two more...
Date Created2016
DescriptionThe Crazy Quilt Block pattern has many variations. The quilt is made of crazy shaped pieces stitched to a foundation fabric. The piecing can embellished or not embellished. Embroidery, ribbons, lace,...
Date Created2016
DescriptionThe Chinese Coins quilt pattern was selected for the simplicity of a linear design. This quilt was made from colorful batik fat quarters (18” x 21” precut fabric) cut into strips of 2.5” x...
Date Created2014
DescriptionThe inspiration for this quilt is a tribute to the quilters of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. Their quilts have received honorable recognition in art galleries and museums. They made quilts for a living and...
Date Created2014
DescriptionThis was a challenge project.
Date Created2014
DescriptionChallenge project
Title8 Point
Date Created1800-1899
DescriptionAlternating pieces of chintz and eight point stars
Date Created2011
DescriptionIn 2010 my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and in early 2011 I began commuting regularly to Florida to assist him. This quilt began as a project to while away the evening hours I spent in...
Date Created1850-1899
DescriptionStrikingly similar to the Log Cabin quilt by Sophia Chendell Bensen in Montclair Historical Society Collection
Date Created1800-1899
DescriptionMay be half a quilt as three sides are bordered and one side is sewn with white tape.