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Date Created2013
DescriptionThe title of this quilt was inspired by the main fabric - various cats sitting in rows in 9 blocks. The pattern is laid out on graph paper first to determine the size of the quilt and the individual...
Date Created2016
DescriptionThis quilt was inspired by the book Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery and the Troubled History of American Universities by Craig Steven Wyler. As a young woman growing up in Medford, Massachusetts, I...
Date Created2016
DescriptionThis quilt is a narrative of friendship and respect. The quilter chose colors that are warm and earthy. Hexagons within hexagons show balanced inner structures supported by balanced outer structures.
Date Created2015
DescriptionThis is the second soccer quilt my mother made for me. She made it in May of 2015 when I told her I had been selected as the soccer captain at Connecticut College. Mother gave it to me in August of...
Date Created2009
DescriptionThis quilt was designed for use in my spare room, I call it company time. Whenever I need an extra quilt and the house is full. The air mattress is used and this quilt is the bedding of choice. It was...
Date Created2006
DescriptionThis was the first quilt I designed on my own. The quilt has a strong tie to memories of my mother, as it was her fabric. She purchased the fabric to make her first full sized quilt but was not able...
Date Created2016
DescriptionMy dad passed in March of 2016 and he longed to go to the beach and get into the water. So, I made a quilt with as many colors of blue as I could.
Date Created2016
DescriptionThis quilt was inspired by the following articles: Bassett, Thomas J. Slim pickings: fairtrade cotton in West Africa. Geoforum 41.1 (2010): 44-55. Day, Elizabeth. The desperate plight of Africa’s...
Date Created2011
DescriptionIn my fall of 2006 my daughter Anna Kastner, then a student at Swarthmore College, spent a semester at the University of Ghana in Legon, Ghana. My husband, younger daughter, and I visited her in...