DescriptionKate Pickard expresses the hope that Peter Still and his spouse Vina have been comfortable in their “own home through all the past cold winter”; reports that the book about the Still family will...
DescriptionWilliam Still inquires about Peter's Still's fundraising efforts; requests that Peter be asked to contact him at once; notes that a narrative regarding Seth Conklin and the escape and capture of...
DescriptionSanborn Maps were originally created for assessing fire insurance liability and include detailed information about building construction and function, street names and width, natural features, and...
DescriptionCaption for similar image in Moss and Schnitzspahn (1997): "Two Boston Terriers seated beside him in a Waverly Electric, Charles C. Miller and Mrs. Miller (in a more formal vehicle) display six of...
DescriptionCaption from Moss and Schnitzspahn (1997): "Two Boston Terriers seated beside him in a Waverly Electric, Charles C. Miller and Mrs. Miller (in a more formal vehicle) display six of their prized...
DescriptionIn addition to the title page, the 1930 Plat-Book contains three indices and 48 detailed map plates of the city of Trenton, and 6 detailed map plates and one page containing three indices for the...