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Date Created1950
Description"Older type of migrant housing but well kept-up." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1961
Description"Evon Washington (left) and James Taylor, migrant workers from Florida, tell their stories of being cheated to staff writer Dale Wright." Caption from booklet about migrant workers, The Forgotten...
Date Created1950
Description"Very good housing in ideal setting for workers." Caption from back of photo. For another view of this house, search for photo titled "Side view of home for migrant workers circa 1950."
Date Created1950
Description"Conditional. Minor repairs and a good cleaning up would turn this into good quarters." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1950
Description"Cinder block and frame. Ideal small camp - note well built privy." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1950
Description"Government labor camp type of building." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1950
Description"An interior in a cannery camp." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1950-1959
Description"Older on-the-farm type of housing." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1946
Description"Newer cinder block type of migrant housing" Caption from page of photo. Sign in photo reads "State of New Jersey, Dept of Labor, No. 4, 9-17-46"
Date Created1946
Description"Another farm camp frame type." Caption from back of photo. Sign in photo reads: "State of New Jersey, Dept of Labor, No. 6, 9-17-46"