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Date Created1961
DescriptionSenate Bill 1945 was an effort to amend title V of the Agricultural Act of 1949 to enforce restrictions on migrant workers from Mexico in order to better protect American employment and economics. ...
Date Created1959
DescriptionThis letter concerns the illegal employment of British West Indian contract workers at Seabrook Farms, as a way to avoid complying with Puerto Rico Migration Division regulations. The Workers Defense...
Date Created1960-1975
DescriptionUndated brochure from the Office of Migrant Education in Trenton, New Jersey, entitled: 'We won't let them down just because they're down on the farm.' Discusses the needs of children of migrant...
AuthorWright, Dale
Date Created1961
DescriptionDale Wright, a World-Telegram Staff writer, went undercover as a migrant worker in Hightstown, New Jersey, and in Florida. He recorded his observations, interviewed other workers, and took photos of...
AuthorFair, Laura
Date Created1932
DescriptionMigrants as a Social and Educational Problem in New Jersey by Laura Fair, was published in the Studies in Education series (no. 3) in the monthly Rutgers University Bulletin in May, 1932, (Series...
Date Created1959
DescriptionThis article from the Workers Defense League newsletter describes organizing among Puerto Rican farm workers over wages and working conditions. The Workers Defense League, founded in 1936 by Norman...
AuthorReinvald, Ilmar
Date Created1949-1994
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Estonian Ilmar Reinvald recalls moving from Estonia to Seabrook Farms in 1949 at the age of 12. His best memories come from making friends in the diverse community. When...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1962-1965
DescriptionThis memorandum from Dick Hogarty of the New Jersey Office of Economic Opportunity, lists in chronological order the deaths of various migrant workers throughout New Jersey from 1962 to 1965. The...
AuthorJackson, Nelson C.
Date Created1934
DescriptionThis report from the State of New Jersey Emergency Relief Administration focuses on African American transients within the New Jersey Transient Bureaus in the early 1930s. This report presents answers...
Date Created1959
DescriptionThis unpublished report by the Workers Defense League describes poor wages, working conditions, and housing among British West Indian and Bahamian contract workers on New Jersey farms. It compares...