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Date Created1946
Description"This is dual-type building. Large door on front make building available for storing farm equipment. Movable partitions turn it into quarters for migrants in summer." Caption from back of photo. Sign...
Date Created1950
Description"Other types of approved privies." Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1961
Description"The potato picker in the foreground is staff writer Dale Wright, too. The experienced pickers behind him gather 70 to 80 such 100-pound bags in a 12 to 14-hour day - and get 5 to 8 cents a bag."...
Date Created1950
Description"An approved privy" Caption from back of photo.
Date Created1961
Description"Staff writer Dale Wright shoulders a basket of tomatoes which he has just picked near Hightstown, N.J., in his six-month survey of the squalid life of a migrant farm worker." Caption from booklet...
Date Created1961
DescriptionDale Wright, writer for the World-Telegram and Sun, displays a basket of tomatoes he picked near Hightstown, N.J. Wright worked as a migrant laborer to investigate the work and living conditions of...
Date Created1950-1969
DescriptionEdith Elizabeth Lowry was born on March 23rd, 1897 in Plainfield NJ. After her graduation from Wellesley College in 1920, Lowry was involved with several organizations that promoted the health and...
AuthorAines, Ronald O.
Date Created1959
Description'During the late summer and fall of 1958, a research study of the total cost of Puerto Rican farm workers to New Jersey farmers was carried out by the Department of Agricultural Economics. A large...
Date Created1960
DescriptionThis March 2, 1961, report consists of statistical figures of migratory labor in New Jersey during 1960. Figures were collected from various official sources, and include a comparison of migrant...
Date Created1961
Description"Dwelling which appeared in news photo of Oct. 23, 1961 in N.Y. World Telegram and Sun, Article by Mr. Dale Wright. Located on farm of Mr. Gilbert Magee, Route 520, Marlboro Twp., Monmouth County, N....