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Date Created1953
DescriptionNakako Matsui, sister of teacher Mitty Matsui, performs a dance for the Consul General's visit on March 21, 1953.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionThree dancers from Seabrook Farms at a JACL sponsored function. Pictured are Nancy Morinaka, Nakako Matsui, and Reiko Fukushima.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
AuthorNagahiro, Laye Ikeda
Date Created1944-1960
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Laye Ikeda Nagahiro recalls a service club she belonged to at Seabrook called "The Colleens." The Colleens were responsible for planning and organizing community events,...