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Date Created2016
Date Created2014
DescriptionMy girlfriend loves elephants so when I saw this panel I thought of her.
Date Created2015
DescriptionI received this panel from my son-in-law, I embellished it with borders to make a wall hanging.
Date Created2009
DescriptionThis quilt was specifically designed for its owner. The pattern of the blocks makes up the first letter in her name. The colors were selected as she loves bright pink and bright blue. She loves...
Date Created2013
DescriptionThis quilt is a Mystery Quilt started at a South Jersey quilt retreat in 2005. A mystery quilt is a pattern that you make with instructions that reveal the pattern after you piece the sections...
Date Created2016
DescriptionIntrigued by intricate patchwork designs, radiant star was quite a challenge for me. Especially since I rarely follow directions to the letter, precision cutting and piecing force me to be very...
Date Created2008
DescriptionMy cousin shared the template and the pattern with me. One of my favorites and my signature black and white strip binding cut in the bias.
Date Created2009
DescriptionPanel is from Benin, I made this quilt wall hanging in honor of my friend who inspired me to start machine quilting.
Date Created2009
DescriptionSampler style, block of the month 16
Date Created2015
DescriptionI loved this pinwheel (template) pattern so much so I made another one. The border is pieced using 1 1/2 strips.