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Date Created1980
DescriptionDiscusses the controversial issue of beach access in New Jersey and includes an examination of home rule and the concept of private property. The investigation begins with Dr. L.M. Renzulli, Jr., a...
Target AudienceAdult/Continuing education
Target AudienceGeneral
Date Created1985
DescriptionA collection of newspaper clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law from the year 1985.
Date Created1990-1993
DescriptionA collection of press clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law form the years 1990 to 1993.
Date Created1998, 1999
DescriptionThis document describes the North American Industry Classification System.
Date Created1977
DescriptionThe fishing industry in the United States, and in particular the North Atlantic component of the industry, did not fully participate in the technological development of American industry of the...
Date Created1950-06-06
DescriptionThe investigation regarding the South Amboy powder pier explosion included a dispute regarding the City of South Amboy’s laws regarding explosives, dynamite, and munitions. Dated to June 6, 1950,...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1944-03-18
DescriptionDated from March 18, 1944, this letter is addressed to Edward F. Grimley, Assistant City Clerk, South Amboy, New Jersey, from F. R. Kanter, representing R. D. Leitch, Chief of the Explosives Control...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1991-1993, 1989
DescriptionCorrespondence, proposed amendments, labels, placarding charts and other assorted documents regarding universal chemical labeling under the Right to Know Act.
Date Created1996
DescriptionRequests for Right to Know Surveys and related correspondence, dated 1996.
Date Created1993-05
DescriptionSpanish language pamphlets discussing workplace safety and relevant legislation.