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Date Created1952
DescriptionVernon Ichisaka still instructing Boy Scout leaders during an event at Seabrook Farms. Among the scouts pictured are: Roy Ichinaga (2nd from right), and Charles "Chucky" Koyanagi, Jr. (next to tree)....
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionChild Care leaders from Seabrook Farms. Pictured here are Reiko Nakawatase, Chuckie Koyanagi, and Anthony Pekich.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1954
DescriptionSeabrook Farms' annual Boy Scouts award dinner. Picture taken on July 25, 1954. Left to right: Richard Nakai, ?, Vernon Ichisaka, Chuck Koyanagi, Jr.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1952
DescriptionVernon Ichisaka instructing leaders Robert Watanabe, Roy Ichinaga and Charles Koyanagi, Jr. during a Boy Scouts event at Seabrook Farms. Picture taken on August 18, 1952.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1940-1955
DescriptionPhotograph of boys making a fort, including Chuck Koyanagi, Edwin Inouye (wearing glasses), Stan Kaneshiki, and Ronald Takemoto (holding fake gun).
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945), Postwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1954
DescriptionSeabrook Farms' annual Boy Scouts awards night. Picture taken on July 25, 1954. Among those pictured are: Chuck Koyanagi, Gene Nakata, Richard Nakai and Vernon Ichisaka.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionGirl Scouts group photo with their leader. Picture taken at Seabrook Farms, New Jersey.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionPins are presented at a Boy Scouts Court of Honor. Left to right: F. Alan Palmer, Corky Bano, Chuck Koyanagi, Bill Wakatsuki, Keigo Inouye. (Seabrook Farms)
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionKeigo Inouye (right) presenting awards at a Boy Scouts Court of Honor. The recipients are from left to right: Chuck Koyanagi (?), Bill Wakasuki and Jim Hasuike. Seated in back at left is F. Alan...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1954
DescriptionScouting activity in front of Community House at Seabrook Farms. Picture taken on June 14, 1954.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)